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o connor

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o connoro connor
  1. The works of the American Southern writer Flannery O Connor clearly show a tendency to destroy the flesh of her characters .


  2. The Ideology of the Short Story : Re-Reading O Connor s The Lonely Voice ;


  3. Greenleaf : Flannery O Connor s Reflection on Feminist Issues ; General Georgi Koskov : Some of the best KGB shots are women .


  4. The first part mainly discusses about the meaning of the South which O ' Connor describes .


  5. As a Southern writer , O ' Connor made full use of her regional advantage .


  6. O ' Connor says this has not been done before across so many categories .


  7. The Symbolic Feature of the Characters in O ' Connor 's Short Stories


  8. O ′ Connor ′ s A Good Man Is Hard to Find is a classical short story in modern Western literature .


  9. Writer Edwin O ' Connor made the expression popular in nineteen fifty-six .


  10. O ' Connor denied the traditional female images and exposed the secular male world from the feminine perspective .


  11. O ' Connor not merely embraced the essence of traditional Gothic literature , but also made some breakthroughs .


  12. O ' Connor describes them with a satirical , sympathetic and humorous tone .


  13. As a sensitive writer , O ' Connor is well justified to depict the reality of the modern sinful material world .


  14. By whatever measures , Flannery O ' Connor and Tennessee Williams remain among the cultural icons of the American South .


  15. By symbolism O ' Connor reveals the unique historical - cultural message of her time and her desire for a rational and progressive modern society .


  16. Moreover , O ' Connor is not a racialist although she maybe has some kind of racial prejudice .


  17. Furthermore , O ' Connor believes in original sin and she believes that people would be finally redeemed by God if they fear Him .


  18. O ' Connor herself is a devout Catholic believer .


  19. A Sinners ′ World Where a Good Man Is Hard to Find : Flannery O ′ Connor ′ s View of Original Sin in Her Short Stories


  20. Prelude briefly introduces the topic and main idea , the general situation of O ' Connor studying both home and abroad , the researching and new points of this article .


  21. By studying O ' Connor ' theory , we come to a conclusion that it obliged to rebuild the relationship between human and nature and achieve the harmony between the two .


  22. Flannery O ' Connor , an American female writer , employs so-called Christian Realism in literature to make an analysis of the dark and absurd side of modern western human society .


  23. Flannery O ' Connor , a contemporary woman writer in the southern United States , is considered as one of the most eminent Catholic writers in the twentieth century .


  24. Flannery O ' Connor is one of the most influential woman writers in American South after World War II . She achieved great successes in the field of novels and short stories .


  25. The conclusion points out the reference and applies to the resource of Bible culture . No matter in creational thought or in the artistic methods . O ' Connor points to human at last .


  26. With her keen Catholic view , O ' Connor sees through that the modern American people get varying degrees of psychological plight under the influence of the growing materialism after the Second World War .


  27. O ' Connor transfers the personal feeling and thinking into an emotion followed by all human and let them stand in the traditions of Bible to think of the destiny value and meaning of human .


  28. The American Southern woman writer Flannery O ′ Connor is often thought to be a cold hater of human beings by some critics , for her works usually end with sudden violence and deaths .


  29. The theme of religious salvation in Flannery O ' Connor s works has repeatedly been discussed by literary critics at home and abroad while other themes such as the philosophical theme have been long overlooked .


  30. The author emphatically analyses the principal characters , plots as well as those details and images which may be ignored by readers , aiming to grasp O ′ Connor ′ s metaphorical explication of this philosophical theme .
